JVS Studio
JVS 影视娱乐制作公司
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JVS Studio, headquartered in New York City, specializes in feature films, promotional films, commercials, and various types of film and television productions. To undertake various types of entertainment activities. With studios, studios, recording studios, and post-editing production centers, it is a wise choice for you to tailor a full range of visual effects. Professional and rich creative experience and high-quality service concept, creative and unconventional, win the favor of customers, and make customers' brand image packaging stand out in the market.
JVS Studio,总部位于纽约市,公司专注于专题片,宣传片,广告片,集各种影视类型拍摄制作。承办各类娱乐类型活动。拥有演播厅,摄影棚,录音室,后期剪辑制作中心,是您量身定制全方位视觉效果的明智之选。专业丰富的创作经验和优质服务理念,创意标新立异,赢取广大客户的青睐,令客户的品牌形象包装在市场中笑傲群雄。